Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fact or Fallacy

You want to write but you can't. You have this piece you
desperately want to get out, but, every time you sit down
to it, you totally freeze. Or you can only crap.

Or maybe you're the opposite -- you've always been prolific, your fecundity’s impressive, churning out one piece after another but now, just at the point where everything should be flowing mellifluously, it seems as though the well of ideas has dried up.

Many stories and books have been written about it, plays and movies been made on the subject too, but are there any real reasons behind it or are they just at variance with the truth, and that it is just a myth. This "syndrome", people, is the " Writer's Block ".

Now tell me how many of you apt and able WRITERs out there who’ve experienced similar periods of percolation, (to quote science fiction writer Spider Robinson, "you ARE writing, you're just not TYPING yet") bouts of barrenness or your brains simply went bust ….because mine did. Believe you me, for the longest time, mine did! Although I do not necessarily deign myself as a writer but I do write poems.

I was in the most turbulent relationship in history of the known world and it halted and altered my mental acuity to the point where I turned into an intellectual mush much of the time. I became an introverted extrovert ( Yes, Mr Kenny Mah, if you're reading this, you'd know why I've described myself as such ) But I’m on the mend literarily, ergo this blog.

But this post isn’t about me, so lets get back on track here, what I’m most intrigued by is the attributing factors to a writer’s block WITHOUT the involvement of another living, breathing entity.
Could the causes be time (or the lack of it ), ailments of the body or mind or just plain rhythm? The natural rhythm that even prolific professional writers sporadically experience, I think. Numerous writers ( i.e. Diana Tamblyn, Woody Allen ) have their own take on it and one of them is Rowena Murray who has the subject covered in her book.
An extract from Ms. Murray's book from the excerpt featured on Guardian Unlimited;
Writer's block is a specific problem often identified by name. Whatever meanings different writers attach to it, it is a term we recognize.

Anecdotally, it seems to be the term most often used for the most acute problems with generating text. It is also the one that is most feared - by any writer - and, perhaps, the most difficult to resolve.

In fact, the term 'writer's block' may be a term that people latch on to in order to try and explain why they are not writing; in the absence of a more precise definition, they resort to this term as a kind of catch-all. It certainly identifies the problem, even if it does not account for it. [Link to full article]
I do believe that this condition isn't uncommon an affliction of writers and such but it is up to the individual to find solutions to overcome the impediment and increase one's productivity.

This quote, I think, of Mr Dave Taylor who's also a writer says it all;
"You're writer, and your task is to type, to put words down, to produce. Writer's block is for writers and hobbyists who enjoy the anguish and angst of "the creative process". One of the very best things I ever learned about writing was from professor Peter Elbow's books, that WRITERS WRITE".

So yes, you able writers out there, what's your take on it?

~ Oscar Wilde on Writer's Block

“Okay, so they get in the ship... and...”
~ Stephen King on Writer's Block

“I guess I'll write that thing where the man tries to catch a fish...”
~ Ernest Hemingway on Writer's Block


Anonymous said...

Strange that you are posting on this, since I am currently suffering from this exact malady. Perhaps it's performance anxiety? (Not unknown to our male species, after all.) I've got a couple of stories to submit and the deadlines are drawing ever nearer, and... and nothing's coming out of me head.

Yet so true: "Writers Write" and not bitch about it. Oh well. Guess it's back to my desk again. Squeeze them words out if I have to. Yes, that's the spirit!

(Ten hours later: still banging his head against the wall. Old paint flecks chip off and fly.)

Anonymous said...
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The Quiet Storm said...
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Anonymous said...

This is a good blog, Storm. This topic has seldom been addressed by writers although I have never quite experienced it, lucky me!But I guess you need to focus or concentrate on the subject to overcome it.

Kenny. good luck buddy! I googled you after I saw your name on Storm's post! Visited you blog too. Nice one you got there!keep up the good work.

The Quiet Storm said...

Kenny: Woohoo! Maybe I read your mind, maybe it's telepathy!LOL! I gotta read you books! They are available online arent they!

Now , now go easy with the banging now you hear, we wouldnt want another writer gone cuckoo, would we! lol!

Ghost Rider: What an original handle! hehe. Glad to know that you like both of my blogs and thanks for the "compliments" AND yesss the last time I checked, my female anatomy is still intact!

Anonymous said...

Hey kenny, so you have a blog too, must check it out.light up a spliff or something, that'll do your block some good haha . jest jest!

Hi purty storm, like your post,your add ons! you write like a man, maybe Ghost rider is right! jest jest!no offense ahhh

The Quiet Storm said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Storm, I love your blog. I love your posts. I love your witpickings! I love your nick. could I please please please have your email!

Anonymous said...

The Quiet Storm,
What a shame about your not making it. I was looking forward to meeting you but saw no one matching your description at the Breakfast Club.

I’ll wrote more about it tomorrow, after I’ve recovered from this long day - five events/functions from 9:00am Saturday till 1:30am the next day! :P

Ghost Rider,
Thanks! :)

Well, if you have an extra spliff available, you know who to call... ;)

Anonymous said...

im not sure that that 'syndrome' is a myth because I've experiencd it several times! Short of bangin my head on the wall lol just like our writer, kenny. Its not due to my induced angst or eccentricity but the ideas just wont flow out of my head. but its a good argument though. keep up with the good work QS

politicalchick said...

hahhaha this is why my blog is empty!

Anonymous said...

Writer's block, ah, that old friend. She's got many compatriots, mostly called "non writing activities" like attending functions, dinner dates, blogging, photoshop playing, spreadsheet filling, invoice gathering...

Anonymous said...

Hey to make up for your not making it to the Breakfast Club, you can read about it here, together with a round-up of the Readings @ Seksan's.

It was a fun time for all, and I hope to catch you at the 2nd Breakfast Club next month? Same place, last Saturday. The authors this round will be Lydia Teh and Xeus.

The Quiet Storm said...

Kenny :Thanks for the url. Went to your website! I love the pictures!They're well-taken!And looks like you've garnered yourself some fans here too eh!

Roberto :Do you really wish I were a man? Either you're gay or you're a woman. LOL!

Pinocchio :I'm sure that one of these days you'll experience it. But yes, you've been lucky so far, sir!

Politicalchick :Well, why don't you start then, writing that is. Write about something/anything to fill up your blog. Ya know, your experinences, your past lovelife, your "troubled" childhood, your "past" misadventures!ya knowwwww!hehe!

TH : Didnt know that "Writer's Block's" a she ;)(yeah ,I'm sure all male writers would want it to be a she)
Must be one ugly broad that "syndrome" is ;)

Anonymous said...

Storm, are you TS? read your "interests" and the url says 'princesszan'. Refreshing blog you have here.

Kenny and Tunku, Went to your blogs too. Very good posts and topics. will post some nice time.

went to PC's blog and girl, your blog's the emptiest blog ever. Write something.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fun that there's a bunch of people who go to Tunku's blog and my blog, then gather here to comment. This is like the neighbourhood's coolest mamak joint lah!

But have to mention the photos weren't taken by me; I made sure to credit Imran at the end of the post. He's one talented photographer.

Can't wait to meet you in person, Ms. Storm and chat about cellos, since I love the sound of cellos but have no musical talent whatsoever.

Do drop a comment on my page with your blog url once it's up; I'll be sure to visit and komen-komen... ;)

Cathy said...

I think this is a great blog! I also love this post. Im no big writer but I have experienced this many times.

I love to write poetry but if I ever tried to do it regularly, it would be a disaster. I have to wait for it to come to me and I cannot force it.

I can go maybe a whole year, and not be able to write even one. Then I may be driving the car and all of a sudden a poem I love will be right there. I have to stop and write it down before I lose it. Then I may write 2-3 all in the next day, and then go a year and nothing is there.

Same with my blog. I have spells where I maybe post 4 or 5 a day. Then all at once I have nothing to say.

I can't explain why it happens but it sure does...:)

I am going to link to this blog on my sidebar.

The Quiet Storm said...
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The Quiet Storm said...

emceekaykay; THAT's for me to know and for you NOT to find out ;)

Cathy; Thank you very much!Glad that it's to your liking!:D
How did you overcome your writer's block then?You're a rather busy person with hardly any free time, I presumed.

You have a poetry collection? Do you have a blog for it?If so , may I have the URL?I would love to read your poems!!

Sharizal said...

I will have to agree with tunku halim in one part as non writing activies are usualy the main culprit for not writing, for me at least.

The other non non-writing activity that leads to more non writing is simple laziness.

But I would suppose what you are trying to lead us to is that lack of mental stimulus, the very essence that fire up our heart and soul, and for the scientifically inclined, the neurons and adrenaline - i.e. inspiration

so how do we go about finding inspiration?

a quick google on the matter leads us to inspirational quotes... that's not what we want!

Ok lets put on inverted commas like so: "quotes on inpiration" and google again and voila! we get somewhere... i shall not copy and paste the results here as suddenly I am inspired to expand this thought into a post of its own in my blog!

Thanks hotstuff, you're truly inspirational! ;)

Sharizal said...

I will have to agree with tunku halim in one part as non writing activies are usualy the main culprit for not writing, for me at least.

The other non non-writing activity that leads to more non writing is simple laziness.

But I would suppose what you are trying to lead us to is that lack of mental stimulus, the very essence that fire up our heart and soul, and for the scientifically inclined, the neurons and adrenaline - i.e. inspiration

so how do we go about finding inspiration?

a quick google on the matter leads us to inspirational quotes... that's not what we want!

Ok lets put on inverted commas like so: "quotes on inpiration" and google again and voila! we get somewhere... i shall not copy and paste the results here as suddenly I am inspired to expand this thought into a post of its own in my blog!

Thanks hotstuff, you're truly inspirational! ;)

Sharizal said...

I will have to agree with tunku halim in one part as non writing activies are usualy the main culprit for not writing, for me at least.

The other non non-writing activity that leads to more non writing is simple laziness.

But I would suppose what you are trying to lead us to is that lack of mental stimulus, the very essence that fire up our heart and soul, and for the scientifically inclined, the neurons and adrenaline - i.e. inspiration

so how do we go about finding inspiration?

a quick google on the matter leads us to inspirational quotes... that's not what we want!

Ok lets put on inverted commas like so: "quotes on inpiration" and google again and voila! we get somewhere... i shall not copy and paste the results here as suddenly I am inspired to expand this thought into a post of its own in my blog!

Thanks hotstuff, you're truly inspirational! ;)

The Angry Medic said...

Ooh, have I not already commented on this post? Dearie me. Sorry dear, I read it long ago but must've been so tired (after my long day being a dashing young medic, you know, all those lives to save, double doors to burst through, nurses to romance) that I fell asleep at my table. Whilst having 'New Post' open on my laptop and not knowing what to write. Ah well. Maybe my claim to medical fame will be getting a cure for Writers' Block, eh?

*extremely lame joke 'bada-BING'*

And that is some BRILLIANT detective work by emceekaykay. I completely missed the clue in the email address. Is it true? Because if it is, I have a few, um, questions about certain comments left over at my blog regarding a certain New York billionaire... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie,
Aren't you Tengku Sharizan THE Malaysian model that used to broke a heel while catwalking in Sydney??

Don't be alarmed, I'm just an ardent fan. ;D Saw you once at KLCC. Been a long don't do modelling anymore do you ?

Nice...I din know you can write.

I'm bookmarking you. TC & Selamat Hari Raya ;D

Superyusrie on youtube

ps. Do you have any of your old catwalk video on youtube ?

The Quiet Storm said...

Only the ones who know me extremely well and who are extremely close would have the knowledge of that Sydney Shoe Incident!

It's weird even for an "ardent fan" to quote a story that happened when I was a teenager.....

I think I know who you are.

Anonymous said...

No Tengku, you don't know who I am ! ;)

I'm just an avid follower of life's big and little events since time immemorial, the arts notwithstanding.

And I think you are beautiful outside... and inside after reading what little scribbles that you have posted in here...a little notti but still...nice.

You take care and have a nice ramadan & eid syg. :)


(On youtube)