Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Forsake the Forbidden

In need of love and warmth was I,
Now you're here to make me whole,
So lost am I in love's lullaby,
As you slowly undress my soul,

Hushed rapture of your tempest,
Makes me want to taste your sweet skin,
So lulled am I in our quiet storm,
As you soothe my pains within,

Oh wondrous glowing love,
Let me drink your sweet, sweet wine,
For let's forsake the forbidden for now,
For I am yours and you're mine.

Inspired by Angry Medic's Wet Dream (with me looking like a slim Sharifah Aini in a dominatrix's garb)


Anonymous said...

This longing in your words are divine. Unveiling the dual sides of existence but yet earthly; the whisper of a mortal that echoes the songs the angels sings. Like the springs in a vast desert, this wine you seek is beyond intoxication...its' annhilation of love...like the light from the moon embracing the stars before the sun rises. Naughty and yet pure; mortally beautiful... Dont stop writing okay!

Paul Rizal Baird said...

Beautiful words...

I would't have expected anything less from you dear...

I would love to see, hear n feel more of your words... in due time.

I just ponder upon who might've been on your mind when you senses were drafting those words...

(i think i'll frame it up next to my mirror)



Anonymous said...

Sweet. Wish it was me you were refering to. But this is great, a poet getting personal with her audience. Write us some more dear tempest.

dreameridiot said...

Well... in plain words, lazy. I deleted all my older (a year) posts. I am the 'secretary' for a group blog.

It will be nice to 'sit at your feet' listening to you talk about Gogol and Dostoevsky (not that I read that much, but I like both of them). Met a girl who loves Kafka and Pynchon, which is really awesome. It would cool to learn from people like you.

The Quiet Storm said...

HADHRAMI; Wow!I'm blown away by your comment of my poem! Start a blog of your own if you haven't already!

PAUL: Awwww, that's such a sweet gesture! Want me to compose more poems for you?I'll whip one for you anytime!

ICE: Tempest?hmmm, maybe I should've used that word as my handle!

DREAMER IDIOT: You with PUISY-POESY? Nice!I'd like to be in that blog group!Sharon did ask me to review one of Anna Akhmatova's poignant poems but I havent found the time to do that yet! And hey I love Kafka too!And I wouldnt mind talking to you about all these great writers....one fine day

Kenny Mah said...

I'm thinking you should ask Sharon to have you read at the next "Readings" if you haven't already. I bet you have hard-on-inducing-sexy-hoochie-mama voice. And I say this only in the literary-ish-appreciative way. Mostly. Ahem.

The Quiet Storm said...

KENNY: You'll tergolek dog if you hear my voice bebeh heehee!My voice is smoky till terbakar like you wouldnt believe!LOL!

The Angry Medic said...

Back off, people. It was obviously me she was thinking of when she wrote the poem. Don't you guys read footnotes? :)

Quiet Storm: Gah...I did NOT say it was a wet dream! (SHARIFAH AINI?! Even I'm not THAT desperate la sayang.)

And aper ni pasal whipping semua ha? I had to go and have a dream about you and describe it here before I got a poem, and now you're giving them out for free? Hmpf. Now I'm gonna have to go drown my sorrows and be a drunken miscreant student now. All because of you.

dreameridiot said...

You should attend the readings this Saturday to see the ever charming and suave Kenny Mah sweep the audience off their feet... Then, next time, you can try your husky, smoldering voice on Kenny. :)

Yes, I am with puisi-poesy, and we would definitely love to have you share poems you have read that touch you deeply. We are still working on how to sustain the blog and balance between regular and guest contributors.

Yes, I will definitely take up on your offer one fine day. I've only read some of Gogol's stories (have't read Dead Souls), and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm bowled over!This is such a beautiful and sensuous poem.Are you as beautiful as your poems Storm? I'm yours!I'm yours!Take me!FOR let's FORSAKE THE FORBIDDEN FOR NOW!!! Love ly!!

The Quiet Storm said...

ANGRY MEDIC: Ha ha ha ha!I'm in Starbucks and was laughing so hard that the mat salleh at the next table gave me a weird look and then gave me his phone number!!LOL!!

And you don't bluff ahhh, you're already a drunken miscreant even before I started to permeate your dreams with my superlative sensualism!

DREAMER IDIOT; So how do I get on board Puisi-Poesy? I'd love to be a regular contributor :)Can?

I wouldn't miss Kenny's gig for the world hehe! Been going to the readings since last year but only saw him once at Seksan's last month! Oh and Antares will be there too LOL!And you going?

The Quiet Storm said...

IM IN LOVE: Dunno whether I could be called beautiful but boleh tahan laaa ;)

dreameridiot said...

Unfortunately, I'm not, would have like to meet you and listen to Kenny. Previously, it was because of geographical distance, but I am traveling to KL tomorrow, with things to do on Sat :(

On board Puisi-poesy? That will be lovely. I'm just the secretary though, but most of the gang will be there on Saturday, can ask them. :) (I think they will say 'yes'!)

Oh Oh... having second thoughts about trying to make it on Sat.

(might be offline for a week)


gRaCe said...

gahh..me noe nothin bout poems. Hahah..Eh, i was at Seksan's last month too..did we meet babe?

Tunku Halim said...

That is a beautiful poem. Certainly makes me ponder . . . over yonder.

dreameridiot said...

Hi. were you there yesterday at the readings? Mmmm... We might have bump into each other after all, haha.

I finally decided to rush there to attend, to meet up my puisi-poesy mates to discuss a few things, and also to listen to Han, Antares and off course, Kenny Mah. I was also thinking of asking you about your interest in joining in as a contributor at puisi-poesy as well, but since I don't know how you look like, and was afraid of being 'shamelessly brazen' in posing silly questions to the bevy of ladies (hanging on Kenny's words), I kept more or less 'quiet'. Anyway, you know Sharon's e-mail, and she'll let me and the rest know.

Cheers. Hope to see you doing a reading some day too, when I'm in KL.

The Quiet Storm said...

GRACE: I believe that we did not :(
I had to leave early.Werent you at SEKSAN yesterday? Antares was pretty good and I was also taken by Kenny's 3rd story!Wow that boy can sure write!My friends were impressed!

TH: Dont start something that you can't finish ah you ;)

DREAMER IDIOT: Yes I was there,babe! I had introduced myself to Kenny, an attractive man, better looking than his pictures! I was in my uniform, a black tee shirt and a pair of jeans! Machinist and Kenny would know what I look like! I'm a lil bit shorter than Sharon though ;)

Paul Rizal Baird said...

i see light,
i see hope,
you make me feel so right,
i need dope!!!


hows that for a first poem...

no laa...

i can do better than that, it's just that i wouldn't want to turn off all the other hunks that keep visiting your page for updates n furnish you with ever so sweet words (obviously hoping to get on your good side) hahaha

(no offense guys..)


I would rather just sit back and wait to read all the responses you get for all your hard work (or maybe to you, poems just flow through your thoughts whenever you're in the mood)
as for the poems posted for me... Darling, thank you ever so much, you make me proud & .......



dreameridiot said...

Haha, next time then. Taller than Sharon, whooaa.. that's tall. I was in a blue polo shirt.

Machinist and Kenny... now, you are in the league (company) of two very extraordinary gentlemen. You must as talented and gifted as both of them.

E-mail Sharon about the puisi-poesy thing, or perhaps we can talk more when we do meet up in person in the future, maybe when you do a reading yourself. :)

The Quiet Storm said...

PAUL; I like your poem, short and profound! LOL!

Dreamer Idiot: Noooo LOL! I'm shorter than Sharon!

What Ive noticed is that the people who attend the readings are mostly multi-talented!So yes I'm looking forward to meet ya and discuss Dostoevsky and Pushkin with you ;)

gRaCe said...

Heyy babe...nope, i wasnt at Seksan's last weekend. i was away on holiday at KK...if i were there sure introduce myself ady. hhehe.. ;o)

Kenny Mah said...

Sexy terbakar? What a voice, what a lady... I'm still having dreams of your eyes...

It's at times like this, I thank God I'm as superficial and shallow as the next guy... ;)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bah! A real man comes up with a sonnet.

This night the forbidden looms darkly here.
It lurks in the intervals of moonshine
Where it laughs quietly. Come near
me, for it lives between your hips and mine.

We know how to be cruel; The storms within
Us have taught us how. Let us then screw
It, suffocate it, banish the forbidden
Away, away! Tonight it is taboo.

Then, alone now, we shall begin to cleanse
The taint between we have squeezed away.
Let us to work with wrangling tongues and hands
A lather of sweat and spittle till day-

Light comes to find us as two newlyborns
Only now: we think of what was forsworn.

To you.

Kenny Mah said...

Hehe, O machinist, so that's what a real man does, eh? I'd rather go out on a dinner date with the lovely Ms. Storm.

So, what say you, my darling, shall I wine and dine ya? ;)

The Quiet Storm said...

MACHINIST: Awwww sweet! What a beautiful reply! It's spine-tinglingly sensuous! I'm feeling warm all over.

The Quiet Storm said...

KENNY: Hey you, you had better bring me to SANDIAS or LA Bodega for some latin fare now you hear!

The Quiet Storm said...

KENNY: Hey you, you had better bring me to SANDIAS or LA Bodega for some latin fare now you hear!

Anonymous said...


BadboyZ said...

This poem just slides off my palette. The delicate use of words and prose are driven by passion. It's all real.

Can these words be personified in a real relationship? The optimist in me affirms this but the pragmatist knows that it's hard work to keep the magic alive.

How I would so enjoy to forsake the forbidden and give into my desire. Once that fire is kindled how can we avoid getting ourselves burnt ...

Anonymous said...

It is a deep way of reaching someone's soul and for those who're looking for the right soulmate to spend their life together should apply this poem to their existing relationships or to whomever is searching for one.

Love ya babe!

The Quiet Storm said...

GRACE: Will you able to attend this month's readings? Hope to see you there dearie!

BADBOYZ: I'm looking forward to see your video of the lecture that you gave at UTM on YOUTUBE! When are you going to upload it?

JOE: You sound like a male version of Linda Goodman!:)

ANON: Thanks much!

Tunku Halim said...

I'm pondering . . . whilst you're still yondering.

gRaCe said...

If Sharon confirms there's gonna be a reading this month end, u can be sure i'll show my face there. Heheh...i'm already going for the Breakfast Club on 26th..;o)

i sure like to meet u there too.. =D

Sharizal said...


The Quiet Storm said...

GRACE: Not sure whether I'd be able to make it this month!


Anonymous said...

nice poem ...very tantalising and yet very honestly written (i hope...)
cudnt quite picture u with such tender soul (of course not with your voice today lol!) not yet at least..hmmm...

The Quiet Storm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Quiet Storm said...

Anonymous; So were you the tall, strapping chunk of a hunk or were you the one who's short, stout and with argyle socks on? hee.