Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Read Two Good Reads

Here are two books that I read last week. Both are non-fictional (my staple reads). One is heart-wrenching and the other is heart-warming; DON ELDON; The Art of Life by Jennifer New
This young man was only 22 when he lost his life on assignment in Somalia, photojournalist Dan Eldon left behind much more than the journals. He left a lifetime of adventures that continue to inspire. Raised in Kenya, he took numerous expeditions across Africa that helped him to understand and love the continent. Through his safaris and benevolent crusades and with interludes of study and work in the US and London, and trips around the world, he crafted a philosophy of curiosity, creativity, adventure, and charity.

Intensely visual, like the life it describes, Dan Eldon: The Art of Life is more than a biography. It is an exploration of one man's will to take in everything life has to offer; an example of a life lived for art, and art experienced as life.

The Writer;
Jennifer New escaped big-city life a few years ago to return to her hometown of Iowa City, where she runs an educational consulting business with her husband. She writes non-fiction for local and national publications.

Kathy Eldon is co-producing both a feature film about her son's life and a documentary about journalists who put their lives at risk to tell a story. She lives in Los Angeles.

A BARN IN NEW ENGLAND by Joseph MonningerPublished to glowing reviews in hardcover and now in a handsome paperback edition, Joseph Monninger's finely crafted memoir of moving with his family to a barn in rural New Hampshire is part dream come true, part unexpected adventure. "An utterly charming story, told with grace and insight" (Booklist starred review), A Barn in New England perfectly captures the beauty of the New England countryside, the tests of renovating a home, and the pleasures large and small of making a new place your own.

The Writer;
Joseph Monninger is the author of the memoirs Home Waters and A Barn in New England and seven books of fiction and nonfiction. He lives in New Hampshire.


Shakeel Abedi said...

Never heard Don Eldon.

Ah there,
My ignorance lies bare.

But Monninger's book is on my list of books to buy.

The Quiet Storm said...

OD; He died too young to leave a legacy but his biography is still worth reading though.

p.s. I like your last posting. Thought it was good :)

Anonymous said...

hey babe!i read the 2nd book. it was good and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Hey hot hubba hubba,Both are non fiction, you should read some fiction stuff.

Tunku Halim said...

Sounds like good reads. Will look out for them!

Shakeel Abedi said...

Too quiet, too long.

Is that a sign of storm gathering?


Kenny Mah said...

Hey dear...

How are you now? Feeling better, I hope? It was a good conversation we had over the phone the other day, brief as it was. Be interesting to see how it's like in person, with coffee cups staining fast around us.

Your latest write-up is making me think though, what legacy would I leave, if any, when I die? Have I contributed at all to my fellow men, or have I been shallow and trivial and selfish all these 28 years. Ah.

*goes off into a corner and worries away*

gRaCe said...

Hey babe...missed ur updates. How have u been? ;o)

Kenny Mah said...

Hey dear...

Time for our coffee session, yes? ;)


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gRaCe said...

hello hello..?? it's been months. pretty busy huh babe?

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