Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Marry Her Regardless

A paragraph from Tunku Halim's latest post; "I'm Going To Marry Your Books"

My cousin’s fiancee had read Think and Grow Rich 12 times. So my cousin concluded his fiancee had an unhealthy obsession with wealth. But the real issue was that she only read non-fiction. As he adored fiction , this caused a huge argument and thus they broke up.So if you’re about to get married, find out what your beloved is reading. It will give you an insight into her interests, her inner character even.

You follow your baby through the maze of aisles and shelves. You check out her behind from behind as she sashays down the aisle, her long hair dances at her every gait and you say to yourself what a mighty fine lady you have here but you still need to know what she reads, what turns her on, what intricacies waiting to unfold and what she is made of...intellectually.

She whizzes past the chick lit, romance and those horrible airport novels sections. You try to keep pace and try very hard not to be noticeable. Nevertheless, she is oblivious to her periphery as she makes her way through the gauntlet of dreary genres.

As she reaches a corner, she stops, picks up a book and you try to peep through between the Fantasy and the New Age shelves at the title that she is flipping through.

Her long slim fingers cover the title but slowly but surely they shift to reveal it and Voila! It's Kamasutra!
"Yes!,” you say under your breath as you break into a euphoric but controlled jig. Your mind transports both of you to tonight's sweaty juxtaposed lotus position. Yes, Nirvana is but a few hours away, but before you could really savour your reverie, she whisks away.
You scour the aisles and shelves and lanes for your lady. There she is.

She is making her way towards the end of the store, but isn't carrying the Kamasutra book. Bah! Never mind, maybe she will get that later, you say to yourself wishful thinkingly.

She is at the local authors section. She sees some reprinted titles and familiar names that remind her of the past. She looks on forlornly and shuffles to another shelf.

She picks up one book and looks quizzically at it and to your utter dismay, you cannot make out the title from where you are standing at nor can you gauge her countenance.

Then she smiles.

You go nearer and strain your eyes to catch a glimpse of the godforsaken title.

Then she spots you!

“Damn” you say. There goes your spying and stalking for the day.

She goes to the cashier. She is going to buy the book. You follow her. She pays for it but before you could look at the title, she hands you the book and asks you to autograph it.

You laugh your lungs out, open the book and sign your name on the inside cover of "44 Cemetery Road, The Best of Tunku Halim"
So would you still marry him/her if he/she likes to read the books that YOU have written regardless of the genre?


Tunku Halim said...

Very clever QS! You've taken my article and spun it into a new, refreshing and titillating direction. Hmmm . . . I don't dare answer your question.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't marry a woman who likes to read romance novels as she will be asking me to be like the hero in the book and I know that I wont measure up. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I'd marry you even if you read smut. lol

Shakeel Abedi said...

Hilarious post. The end was nice!

gRaCe said...

a nice ending to TH's article, QS. very sweet. heheh...i've never really thought of getting to know what the other person reads before deciding to hook up with them. Maybe i should now..hmm...

The Quiet Storm said...

ICE: Wonder what's playing in that psyche of yours ;)
Care to elaborate?

TH: I read your reply on your blog. If I were a man, I wouldn't marry a woman who collects Barbara Cartland's romance novels!

If I were a writer, I'd marry my groupie if I were in love with him.

Anon; My exact sentiment.

Mr R: You would like that very much wouldnt you ;)

O.DICTUM: Thanks. Visited you blog. I like it! That piece you wrote about the introduction of comprehensive literature to newbies is very good!

GRACE:I wish we could be more discerning when it comes to this but most of the men I know just do not read! Their reading material comprise Penthouse and Playboy copies hidden under their beds or the tattoos on Angelina Jolie's naked body! LOL!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Funny and entertaining. For a hot babe like you, you sure can write! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

hi gorgeous. you still can find the time to write all these stuff?

ICE said...

QS sadly, my "book" is my PC (and PDA) nowadays (sorry TH). You can go through my "temporary internet file" to find out who I am anytime :-)

gRaCe said...

well, most of my friends do not read, regardless of men or women! Hahah...but then again, i've met a few me who do read. Mr. Kenny Mah being one of i guess there is help in this world afterall. Heheh...;o)

but i havta agree with you that most men reads magazines that have hot women plastered all over them. and my cousin for one reads fashion magazine. *shakes head..* sighh...

The Quiet Storm said...

Anon: Thanks much!

Joe: Yes and I still have time to hang out with you at the coffee hut too ;)

The Quiet Storm said...

ICE; So what would I find in your temporary files I wonder.

The Quiet Storm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Quiet Storm said...

GRACE: So what are we to do?LOL! Men who are readers are hard to come by. Susah one like this!

gRaCe said...

Sighh...we'll just havta accept it ler gurl. If not memang susah, we'll be old before we can find the right 'reading' man. Hahah..

Anonymous said...

nice article by TH..charmingly funny and i can imagine th is quite a storyteller i shud start reading his book real soon.. perhaps i cud find some time at traffic light stops or during bumper to bumper sessions (maybe i shud get a driver real soon)
my comments...what he/she reads doesnt make who they really are, unless of course they just read what they really enjoy reading..we do read some out of curiousity too right? eg Playboy? lol or FHM or maybe Cosmo.. what can u say bout men who read cosmo then? hmmm...

The Quiet Storm said...

Anonymous: Hmmmm This is getting to be a little bit interesting

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